woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

ImpAssis began with a simple conversation a year ago when a close dentist friend shared the challenges they faced during implant surgeries. Intrigued, we dove into research, exploring the available products and methods on the market.

We quickly realized the shortcomings of traditional approaches—complex setups, high costs, and the need for frequent calibrations. Even existing dynamic navigation systems had significant limitations, such as bulkiness and lack of user-friendly features.

With these insights, we set out to create something better. ImpAssis is designed to be a game-changer: it's more affordable, compact, and eliminates the need for calibration, making implant surgery simpler and more accessible.

Now in the seed stage, we are working tirelessly to bring ImpAssis to the market. We’re just 6 to 12 months away from making it available to professionals worldwide and transforming the way dental implant procedures are performed.

We would love to be in touch and exchange stories. Please let us know what you think!

Our story: where we are and where we are heading!